The Management Study Program of Universitas Internasional Batam (UIB) on Thursday (22/7) held a Development Arrangement Workshop to Gain Recognition from the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) International Accreditation Institute. This workshop was attended by 100 participants through the Zoom Meeting platform from various institutions, such as UIB, UPB, UNB, UGM, UNISULA, IPB and various other universities in Indonesia. This activity aims to educate and provide insight into the developments that must be carried out to gain recognition from international accreditation institutions, especially for UIB Management Study Program which is currently preparing for the AACSB International Accreditation. This activity invites Dr. BM. Purwanto MBA as resource person at this workshop and is an expert in the OBE curriculum.
In his presentation, Dr. Purwanto started with how the development of this accreditation system and the philosophy about accreditation. In addition, the presentation continued with an explanation of national accreditation, types of national accreditation and AACSB Accreditation. The explanation about AACSB accreditation began to be more in-depth and continued with an explanation of the stages that must be carried out. Dr. Purwanto explained about the importance of pre-accreditation, initial accreditation and accreditation maintenance. Dr. Purwanto also said that in making changes, it must have clear goals and follow 3 initiative strategies, namely the faculty provides an academic atmosphere for the development of scientific attitudes of graduates, the faculty trains and develops the abilities and expertise of students and the faculty must continuously contribute to society. This is certainly a reference in the alignment of the faculty’s mission which must lead to the use and development of the resulting resources..
Dr. Purwanto also explained that the development carried out must be through incentives and support from research, PKM, conferences, seminars, training and various other faculty activities. In addition, the faculty must also disseminate the benefits of AACSB accreditation to internal stakeholders so that stakeholders and various internal parties can respond to the various effects of changes that occur after the AACSB accreditation process is carried out. Then, the faculty also needs to pay attention to the qualifications of the lecturers which will be calculated in the AACSB accreditation. All insights from Dr. Purwanto is a very valuable input for Management Study Program for the development of PS in the future. This was also a concern in the 2nd session, where Management Study Program applied all inputs to the Study Program Vision and Mission accompanied by Dr. Purwanto. Dr. Purwanto also advised that the development should focus on collaboration and not competition. This is because by collaborating, we get friends and partners who can support each other, but if we compete, we will only increase competition and not develop each other.