The Management Study Program and the Internal Quality Assurance Institute (LPMI) of Batam International University (UIB) held an Internal Discussion of the UIB Learning Standards Document Review on Wednesday, September 8, 2021. This activity was funded by the Kampus Merdeka Competition Program (PKKM) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. The activity was attended by 45 participants from the Rectorate, Bureau, Study Program, and the UIB SPMI Document Team. This discussion invited Prof. Dr. Laurentius Hartanto Nugroho, M.Agr., an expert in the field of drafting SPMI Higher Education documents from the UGM Quality Assurance Office (KJM). In his presentation, the resource person explained how the SPMI was compiled at UGM and gave various inputs on how to have a good SPMI Document. In determining the person in charge of the SPMI component itself, it is not required to be in every committee and it is advisable to unite several committees that are likely to be merged. The rules in the SPMI document can be different from the rules of the assessors. In this determination, it is also reasonable and an appeal can be made by providing further explanation of the rules used. In determining the SPMI document, it must also have clear measuring tools.
The discussion then continued with the Review of Learning Standards Documents at UIB. Prof. Dr. L. Hartanto Nugroho, M.Agr. provides input on the determination of learning documents such as lesson plans and syllabus do not have to be determined by the rector but approved by the rector. The preparation should be carried out by lecturers with the same scientific field and determined by the Dean and Head of Study Program and approved by the Chancellor. The learning documents should be adapted to the Independent Campus Independent Learning system (MBKM) from the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research, and Technology. Therefore, the learning documents can be more in line with the latest educational developments. The resource person also emphasized that in determining the implementation of the learning process, it is not necessary to use a foreign language, but the most important thing is the quality that has an international reputation. In determining the guidelines or policies for the learning process, of course, the Academic Development Center must be assisted by the faculty in its determination. These inputs are very valuable not only for the SPMI UIB document team but also for lecturers from other study programs and bureaus. The SPMI UIB document team will immediately implement all improvements to learning standards to obtain more competent learning standard documents.