Universitas Internasional Batam (UIB) held an “Entrepreneurship Seminar: Batam Tourism” attended by students from UIB and the Malaysian National Defense University. This event was born on January 18 2024, at B103 UIB. The study program involved the Accounting and Management study program. This activity was guided by Mrs. Erilia Kesumahati, S.Sc., Apt., M.M., who was invited as a speaker.
In this collaborative activity, a Focused Group Discussion (FGD) on entrepreneurship was also held, where students from both universities formed groups to discuss the similarities and differences faced by entrepreneurs in Indonesia and Malaysia. The meeting also includes the challenges faced and things that would like to be realised if the students concerned intend to set up a business. This activity ended with the Universitas Internasional Batam Campus Tour, where students from the Malaysian National Defense University were taken around the campus to see the facilities provided by UIB.
The success of the “Entrepreneurship Seminar: Batam Tourism” by UIB can be considered a positive step in building collaboration between UIB students and the Malaysian National Defense University. This seminar provided in-depth insight and facilitated FGDs, which enabled students from both universities to share views on the world of entrepreneurship in Indonesia and Malaysia. We hope this event will be a constructive start for further collaboration and exchange of knowledge between students that can continue strengthening the relationship between the two institutions.