On Saturday, 23 November 2019, a public lecture on religious harmony with the theme “Interfaith Understanding” has been implemented. This public lecture is a mandatory activity for new students at Universitas Internasional Batam. This activity aims to increase the sense of togetherness and kinship of UIB students regardless of religion, ethnicity, race, and class.
The public lecture was held in Hall B lt. 1, Hall B lt. 2, Hall B lt. 6, and B103 of Universitas Internasional Batam with the participants were all students who took religious courses, the total number of participants is approximately 1,000 students from all study programs at UIB. This public lecture invited Batam City Religious Harmony Forum as a guest speaker namely Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Chabblulah Wibisono, M.M, Dr. Ampuan Situmeang, S.H., M.H, Dr. Drs. I Wayan Catra Yasa, M.M, and H. Effendy Asmawi Alhajj, MA.
With the implementation of this public lecture, it is expected that students at UIB will respect differences more so that harmony between diverse people and a harmonious atmosphere can be created.