UIB Design Competition “Let’s To Be Earth Savers”

Written By humas

On May 29, 2020

February 3-25, 2020

Entering a new year, which is 2020, so many developments have taken place in this world, ranging from culture, culture, environment, economy and of course technology. In taking all the changes that occur, UIB as an agent of change also participates in shaping the character of students into someone who is able to adapt and become a positive figure in the future. Therefore, the role of forming a student’s character is very important to deal with changes that are so dynamic that it causes a lot of upheaval in the world.

At this time the visual is the key to a change, what someone sees can immediately change a person’s character or situation. The use of technology and conventional media in the delivery of information, needs to be utilized to convey the positive values ​​that are instilled to students. Therefore, BPKA UIB wants to invite students to not only watch but also participate in voicing these positive values ​​through their creative work through the UIB Design Competition “Let’s to be Earth Savers”. These activities include positive invitations about honesty, environmental care, independence, and honesty.

Schedule of activities:

Opening: February 3, 2020

Registration and Collection of Works: February 10-17, 2020

Appraiser of Works: February 18-21, 2020

Winner Announcement: February 25, 2020


  1. Maintain cleanliness of the campus environment.
  2. Prohibition of smoking in any place / outside the space provided.
  3. Reducing the use of plastic or disposable packaging.
  4. Independent by returning cutlery to the place provided.
  5. Anti-cheat and do other plagiarism.
  6. Anti-Bully (Bullying).


The Requirements of Work Submission:


  1. Work Size: Banner Design: 600 cm x 150 cm & Flyer / Instagram Design: 1:1
  2. Format of the Work: Master File: CDR, AI, EPS, PSD, Export File: JPEG / JPG, PNG
  3. The works have never been published in any competition
  4. It does not contain elements of SARA (Ethnic, Religion, Race, and Class), Pornography and Porno-action.
  5. Attaching UIB logo, UIB Earth Savers logo and UIB CI (Corporate Identity). This file can be accessed by following link: ly/logouib
  6. Collecting the Master Files and File Export works
  7. Filling up the registration form and work submission
  8. The work which has been sent becomes the Committee’s Property, but it is still recognized as the Participant’s Copyright.


Criteria of the work are:

  • Suitability with the themes and the provisions
  • Originality
  • Creativity
  • Aesthetically



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