Webinar Beauty and Handsome Class Collaboration with PIXY & Gatsby Kota Batam

Written By humas

On April 5, 2021

Preparing yourself and forming an attitude to appear in public has become a demand today. A harmonious and attractive appearance will increase one’s self-confidence. Starting from the way of appearance (dressing and dressing), walking style and ethics in speaking must be very harmonious and create a positive impression on others. In the tourism industry, looking good is one of the keys. When dealing and starting to communicate with other people, it is necessary to pay attention to grooming and manners. Therefore, the Beauty and Handsome Class webinar is a supportive activity in preparing to appear more confident in front of others. By getting to know your skin type, caring for your skin and applying products that are suitable for your face and hair and fragrances for your body.

In collaboration with PIXY and Gatsby Batam City, UIB Tourism Undergraduate program organized a Beauty and Handsome Class which was held on Saturday, March 20, 2021 using Zoom Meeting platform. PIXY Batam City was represented by Ms. Dewi Sartika and Ms Fauziah Sari, while Gatsby Batam City was represented by Mr. Elsas and Mr. Dino. The activity was accompanied by Ms. Dame Afrina Sihombing, S.E., M.M. as a moderator. From this webinar, the participants are expected to be able to know the current condition of their skin, whether the skin is normal, dry, oily, combination, sensitive, or acne prone skin. The products used and offered are also very numerous and can be found easily. For women, choosing a foundation and bb cushion depends on the activity. The selection of liquid and solid foundations is also adjusted to skin conditions, dense foundations are prioritized for those with dry skin. There are also many choices of vitamins and hair gels and tailored to our liking. Use the hair vitamins only at the ends of the hair, not to the roots of the hair. There was also a demonstration of the use of products from PIXY and Gatsby, so that the participants could better understand and get to know the products used.

yang diwakili oleh Ibu Dewi Sartika, Fauziah Sari, dan Gatsby Kota Batam yang diwakili oleh Bapak Elsas dan Dino serta didampingi oleh Ibu Dame Afrina Sihombing, S.E., M.M. sebagai moderator. Dari webinar ini, para peserta diharapkan sudah dapat mengetahui kondisi kulit mereka saat ini, apakah kulit wajah normal, kering, berminyak, kombinasi, sensitif, dan berjerawat. Produk yang digunakan dan ditawarkan juga sangat banyak dan dapat ditemui dengan mudah. Bagi para wanita, memilih foundation dan bb cushion tergantung kepada kegiatan. Pemilihan foundation cair dan padat juga disesuaikan dengan kondisi kulit, foundation padat diutamakan bagi pemilik kulit kering. Pilihan vitamin dan gel rambut juga banyak pilihan dan disesuaikan dengan keinginan kita. Pemakaian vitamin rambut hanya pada ujung rambut saja, tidak digunakan hingga ke akar rambut. Dilakukan juga demo penggunaan produk dari PIXY dan Gatsby, agar para peserta lebih memahami dan mengenal produk yang digunakan.

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