One of the lecturers of the Information System Study Program, Tony Wibowo, S.Kom, MMSI. was invited by the Monte Sienna school in Batam as a speaker for parents of students on the topic of gadgets and internet control for children. The internet, gadgets, and video games have become an inseparable part of the modern lifestyle, especially for children who are still in school, and many uses of gadgets for their school, social, and entertainment needs. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, all learning activities have been rushed to the internet and all students have been sent home. This raises a new problem, namely children are increasingly using gadgets and internet and are worried about the existence of gadget addiction for children.
Tony Wibowo, as one of the lecturers with expertise in video games at UIB, was invited as a speaker to talk to fellow parents from kindergarten to high school about the importance of communication as a form of control over gadgets. The age-old consensus such as punishing and enforcing strict regulations is no longer able to effectively develop controls over-responsible gadget use. This activity, which was attended by 86 parents, was held on April 17, 2021, and also broadcasted via YouTube.