National Webinar Series: All About Marriage Law in Indonesia # 2 Assets and Disputes in Marriage Law

Written By humas

On April 23, 2021

Viva Justicia,

On March 27th, the Comparative of Law Student Association or COLSA held a Series 2 National Webinar which was conducted online via the ZOOM Meeting platform. This webinar invited 2 (two) speakers, namely Mrs. Siska Sukmawaty, S.H., M, H and Mrs. Putri Andini, S.H., M.H., LL.M and was moderated by Abdurrakhman Alhakim, S.H., M.H. On this occasion, the two speakers presented a national webinar with the theme of “Assets and Disputes”.

The webinar mentioned that most marriage life does not go smoothly. Based on data from the Supreme Court of Religion, the number of divorces reached 306,688 cases as of August 2020. Disputes that occur are caused by various factors such as economy, third persons, different views and principles in marriage, not being open to each other in terms of income and many more. However, there are also dispute resolution, such as problems that can be resolved by deliberation together to reach an agreement between husband and wife, seek mediation to resolve, and make a pre-marriage agreement.

The assets in the family are inheritance and gono gini assets. Innate assets are assets obtained before marriage in which it is assets of each husband and wife that are obtained from gifts, wills and grants. Meanwhile, gono gini assets are assets obtained during marriage. In addition, there are assets determined by the husband and wife at the time of the pre-marriage agreement.

This activity was attended by 139 students from other campuses in Indonesia as well as the non-student-participants. By this WEBINAR NASIONAL SERIES 2, we have gained useful knowledge for now and future to build a better household. It is hoped that it can provide a myriad of knowledge and benefits for participants, students and the wider community.

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