22 March 2021 – Architecture Undergraduate Program, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning held a Webinar with the theme “Post-Pandemic Residential Design Adaptation”, in collaboration with MIV Architects and the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII). The Webinar “Post-Pandemic Residential Design Adaptation” was conducted online through Zoom Meeting. In this webinar, Undergraduate Program of Architecture Program invited Ar. Muhammad Ikhsan Hamiru, IAI as the Main Architect and Founder of MIV Architects; Stivani Ayuning Suwarlan, ST, MT, as Chair of the R&D Education and Training Committee, PII Community Servant; and Gladies Imanda Utami Rangkuty, ST, M.Arch., as Lecturer and Head of Architecture Study Program, Universitas Internasional Batam as speakers in the activity. The head committee, Gladies Imanda Utami Rangkuty, ST, M.Arch., stated that this webinar activity was very interesting to know how designs can be formed as an adaptation of the pandemic. Besides, this webinar was attended by many participants from UIB Architecture students, students from other universities in Indonesia, as well as from the industry.
The series of events opened at 6:30 p.m. by the moderator, Putri Melati. She discussed about the webinar regulations and personal biodata from the speakers. The activity was continued with the first session, which was a presentation by the first speaker, Gladies Imanda Utami Rangkuty, S.T., M.Arch, Universitas Internasional Batam. In her presentation, Gladies Imanda Utami Rangkuty, S.T., M.Arch explained about how the development of Covid-19 is happening in Indonesia and its impact on architecture. Residential building design with good circulation and layout is one of the requirements that must be owned to prevent residents from various diseases or other discomforts. It was explained that during a pandemic, the function of the house was changed not only to become a residence, but also to become a means of worship, quarantine, work, as well as doing hobbies.
The second session invited the next speaker, Stivani Ayuning Suwarlan, S.T., M.T as Chair of the R&D Education and Training Committee, PII Community Servant. In her presentation, she explained how the current pandemic has an impact on human psychology. The architectural design concept used in each dwelling is one of the means of psychological healing or settlement experienced by residents during this pandemic. The use of space functions according to needs, room layout, placement of green spaces in dwellings, and choice of colors in the interior of the house helps to have a good influence on the psychology of everyone during this pandemic.
The third session presented the next speaker, Ar. Muhammad Ikhsan Hamiru, IAI as the Main Architect and Founder of MIV Architects. In this session, Ar. Muhammad Ikhsan Hamiru, IAI gave his explanation regarding various designs that can be formed as our adaptation during a pandemic. He gave the results of his project as an example of a residential design that can adapt to a pandemic with a design that pays more attention to open space, so more sunlight can enter which causes good air circulation. This rare opportunity is a valuable lesson for webinar participants, especially Architecture students of Universitas Internasional Batam.
The series of activities for the Post-Pandemic Residential Design Adaptation Webinar ended at 20.10 WIB with a group photo. Through this collaboration activity, this webinar is expected to provide more insights for UIB Architecture students in forming a residential design that can adapt to a pandemic. Besides, it can widely introduce UIB to the community, which will open opportunities to attract new students and increase collaboration between education partners both in local, national and international areas.