The National Legislation Board of House of People’s Representative (DPR) of the Republic of Indonesia Holds the Socialization of National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) 2020-2024 and the Joint Priority Bill UIB

Written By humas

On May 29, 2020

Based on Article 88 of Act No. 12 of 2011 in conjunction with Article 105 paragraph (1) letter i of Act No.17 of 2014, the dissemination of Prolegnas, Bill and Act shall be carried out by the DPR and the Government. Universitas Internasional Batam as one of the largest universities on Batam Island who participated in national development also took part in organizing the 2020-2024 Prolegnas Socialization and Priority Bill.

The Law Study Program is in charge of the implementation of the Prolegnas Socialization Program 2020-2024 and the Priority Bill; therefore, the majority of participants are UIB Law Students. Besides, this event was also attended by guests from several institutions such as the Batam District Court and the Batam Ports Authority Board as institutions that are very closely related to the legal sector in Batam.

Prolegnas of the 2020-2024 Bill that was established in the DPR Plenary Session and the DPR RI Decree Number 46 / DPR RI / I / 2019-2020 about the National Legislation Program Draft of the 2020-2024 Law dated on December 17, 2019, and Prolegnas of the Priority Bill The year 2020, which was established in the DPR Plenary Meeting and the DPR RI Decree Number 1 / DPR RI / II / 2019-2020 about the National Legislation Program for the Draft Priority Law 2020, dated on January 22, 2020, was conveyed more simply so that it could be understood by the public. In total, there are 50 Priority Bills, 4 of which are launched or carry over products from Prolegnas in the previous year.

The discussion was led by Andreas Hugo Pareira as the Head of the Kunker Team and accompanied by Dr. Widodo as an expert staff of the DPR and Dr.Iskandar Itan SE, MM. The discussion also allude to concerning Omnibus Law or publicly known with the term of Act of Sapu Jagat. There are 4 (four) Omnibus Bills in the 2020-2024 Prolegnas, namely the Bill on the National Capital, the Bill on Pharmaceuticals, the Bill on Employment Creation, and the Bill on Tax Provisions and Facilities to strengthen the national economy.

At the end of the activity, it was stated that the DPR might be deemed to have an inadequate performance because of the imbalance of the number of bills that were set by prolegnas and bills that were legalized. However, it is true that this is DPR effort to accommodate the aspirations of the community and it did not even rule out the possibility of Batam itself to submitt a Special Act considering the authority dualism polemic between the Local Government and BP Batam that had occurred.

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